Best Lifesteal Champions in League of Legends Season 14


Lifesteal is certainly an interesting League of Legends mechanic, however, it is seldom the focal point of a champion. Still, there are a few picks that really do heavily lean in on the life steal playstyle. Here are some of our best picks!

Best Lifesteal Champions in League of Legends


league-of-legends-vladimir title

Vladimir is the soul incarnate of the life steal concept. He is an exclusive champion who’s playstyle revolves around life steal by sucking out the blood of opponents. Vladimir might as well be the greatest life steal champion in the game. Until recently, he had two major life steal abilities, Q, and ultimate. However, at this point, even his W is stealing the HP of enemies.  


Warwick title

Warwick is the AD version of Vladimir when it comes to life steal ratios. Warwick has a passive that increases his life steal based on the amount of HP he is missing. The lower the HP, the higher the life steal. This is why you will often see barrier WW players in the top lane. They will try to bait you out with a barrier, then chop you up with Q, restoring 90% of their HP in less than 2 seconds. Truly a horrifying pick, but a must-play one for people who enjoy having a massive life steal.


Sylas Splashart

Sylas is a dominant AP mid laner with incredible healing. He is known for his ability to CC the enemy, and instantly recover an incredible amount of HP through the life steal of his spells. Much like Warwick, he can easily deceive enemies into attacking him, then healing up seconds later and taking them down.


aatrox league of legends title

Aatrox is a bruiser champion with plenty of life steal. He heavily depends on landing abilities to proc his healing. He is most powerful in ranks below platinum, as most people will not think of building healing reduction items versus him. Also, playing Aatrox at lower ranks makes it much easier to land abilities, making him a pretty broken pick.


Fiora Splashart

Another unskippable candidate for this list is Firora. All of her most common build paths include plenty of life steal. The life steal is easily procked since Fiora has low cooldowns as well as great DPS on her abilities. On top of everything, Fiora has a pretty major ultimate heal that activates after hitting an enemy in 4 vital spots. The heal is AOE, and it will heal any ally in Fiora’s proximity, as well as Fiora herself.


Fiddlesticks_0 title

Fiddlesticks is a powerful jungle control mage, and he just so happens to be great at life steal as well. Despite having only one life steal ability, he has more intrinsic healing than most other League champions. Fiddle’s life steal is pretty important for clearing the jungle, but its effects can not be understated in fighting circumstances either.

Final Thoughts

Life steal is a pretty powerful stat in League of Legends, but it’s rarely the main part of a champion’s identity. Still, League has over 160+ champions, and some were bound to become life-steal monsters. The list has outlined the greatest life-steal champions in League of Legends. These champions are most powerful in lower elo brackets, as most enemies will not know how to itemize against them. When it comes to recommendations, I would definitely have to highlight Vladimir and WW, as they have the highest healing out of all the mentioned champions!

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