League of Legends Best Amumu Build Season 14


Amumu is an old-school jungle champion who still holds a stable place in the League of Legends meta. He is a very versatile champ who can gank, clear the jungle, and do objectives really fast. Amumu also happens to be one of my favorite pocket picks, and I know just the right build for him. The build in question has easily allowed me to carry games, even in high Master MMR.

Best Amumu Items

Ammumu-Build title

Liyandry’s Torment

The perfect first item for Ammumu is Liyandry’s Torment. It will allow you to clear jungle extremely fast, which in-turn will make you snowball really well. The item is also great for skirmishes, as it will buff up your HP and enhance your damage with its percentage of HP damage benefits.

Abyssal Mask

Our build will feature really decent amounts of AP damage, therefore Abyssal Mask will be a great addition as it will facilitate us doing more damage. Its passive steals enemies magic resist, which makes them more vulnerable, and it also makes us more resistant, as we will be gaining the stolen magic resist.

Sunfire Aegis

The Sunfire Aegis is another common Amumu purchase. It’s taken for its general stats, which increase the HP and armor, but it also has the added benefit of its passive Immolate. The passive will reduce the incoming damage, and it will burn enemies in the close proximity (percentage of HP).

Mejai’s Soulstealer

Mejai’s Soulstealer is by far my favorite Amumu item. A lot of people rarely build it, however, its extremely strong if followed by an appropriate gameplay. When fully stacked, it will give you massive amounts of value relative to the amount you spent on it. The prerequisite for this item is Dark Seal, which you can pick up earlier in the game (somewhere between 5-15 minute mark).

Thornmail or Jak’Sho

I usually finish off my build with either Thornmail or Jak’sho. I take Thornmail in games where my opposition is mostly composed of AD, or if they have a lot of healing that can get reduced by Thornmail. Jak’Sho is more of a general kind of item, as it provides both magic resist and armor. It’s also really powerful for sustain in team fights.


When choosing boots on Amumu, we have several options. The main two options are the Plated Steelcaps and Mercury’s Treads. These two will serve as our defense choices, where we will pick the first against auto-attacking champions, and the second against heavy CC composition.

We can also opt for Sorcerer’s shoes, these are great for giving extra magic penetration, and they will help us clear out carries with simple all-in combos.

Best Amumu Runes

Amumu-Runes title

  1. Conqueror
  2. Triumph
  3. Legend: Haste
  4. Last Stand
  5. Cheap Shot
  6. Ultimate Hunter

The first keystone we will go with is the Conqueror. It’s perfect for dealing extra damage, but it will also give us sustain through its healing powers. Triumph is great for healing after fights, allowing us to escape unharmed, or potentially re-engage fights. 

Legend: Haste is the best choice from its branch, as it gives us the much-needed ability haste. The other picks are Last Stand, Cheap Shot, and Ultimate Hunter. Last Stand will increase our damage when low HP,  Cheap Shot will increase our damage after casting E and R, and finally, Ultimate Hunter is essential for reducing our Ultimate cooldowns.

Final Thoughts

Amumu is a great beginner-friendly champ, which can be played at most ELOs. He is especially strong in the current meta. The best way to play him is by mixing HP, resistances, and damage. This kind of gameplay will allow you to eliminate all the carries, while still having all the benefits of a full tank build.

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