League of Legends Best Karma Build Season 14


Karma is a champion that can be played in many roles, but currently, she finds most success playing as a support. She is a very versatile champion with a kit that includes a ton of shielding and poke, which makes her appropriate for a very wide range of team compositions. To make Karma most efficient, I have found the best items that are used by the top-rated Karma player to compile this guide.

Best Items for Karma 

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We will start out our build with Malignance. It is a great AP item that is mainly bought for its passive. The passive creates a circle that damages enemies, upon you casting the ultimate ability. The item is great on Karma since she has really low ultimate cooldowns, even at the earliest levels.

Imperial Mandate

Karma’s Q is also a spell with a low cooldown, and it also happens to be great for poking. For that reason, we are gonna build the Imperial Mandate second. Karma’s low cooldowns will allow us to proc this item much faster and will create a threat for enemies really early in the game.


The main draw of Morellonomicon is its Grevious Wounds passive. The passive is extremely easy to apply with Karma. The item is especially great when combined with out empowered Q, as it will allow us to spread Grevious Wounds to multiple enemies all at once.

Shurelya’s Battlesong

Karma is a champion who likes to play around with her movement speed, and another way to enhance that strength is by building Shurelya’s Battlesong. The item is very great in team fights, as it will give your entire team a great movement boost. You can use it as a gap closer between enemies and you, but the item is also good for escaping.

Liyandry’s Torment

We will finish off the build with Liyandry’s Torment. It is a great late-game item that will make us a little bit tankier, but most importantly, it will give us a percentage of health burn that can significantly damage the beefy enemies. 


Ionian boots of lucidity are the greatest boots to buy on Karma. We take them for the cooldown reduction, because all other options are simply unnecessary. We could take Plated Steelcaps and Mercury’s Treads, however, we can get the benefits of both by just kiting properly.

Best Runes for Karma

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  1. Arcane Comet
  2. Manaflow Band
  3. Transcendence
  4. Scorch
  5. Biscuit Delivery
  6. Cosmic Insight

Arcane Comet is the best keystone for Karma as it does the most damage with its poke potential. The second rune we will take will be Manaflow Band, which will increase our overall mana and help us sustain in the lane.

From the third branch the best choice will be Transcendence, a great rune for scaling into the late game. The fourth rune will be the scorch, which will further empower our poking strengths. 

We will finish off our rune choice with Biscuit Delivery and Cosmic Insight. Biscuit delivery is great for sustain in the lane, and cosmic insight is helpful because of its item cooldown reduction stats.

Final Thoughts

Karma is a great pick for multiple roles, primarily support. The pick has remained relatively stable throughout the years and continues to be really strong. It’s very versatile and adaptable, and the best playstyle for it is a poking one. Therefore, the best thing to do is to focus on items and runes that give us better-poking abilities.

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